
Monday, August 17, 2009

New Job

Life is good isn't it? After completing my first year internship/teaching as a resource teacher I think I can survive anything! Since my contract was not renewed I had to begin a job search. I applied at several different schools with no luck. I had one interview at Sunray Elementary but did not get the job. I signed up for substitute teaching and waited. Then a call came in from the Special Education Director at Sunray ISD. Would I be interested in a job? It will be a 3 month contract to finish out the 2007-2008 school year. To make a long story short, I interviewed, was hired, and went to work! The job I landed was my dream job. Although a little challenging, I knew this is what I wanted and could tell since I was driving to work with a smile on my face that next three months. My contract was renewed for the 2008-2009 school year and now for the 2009-2010 school year. I feel at home here at Sunray. The first in-service day was today and I am sooooo excited. I hope that this year will be as exciting and challenging as the first day back in February 2008. Most of this blog, which I started in college, consists of math but I am going to get busy and start adding more resources for students and parents. Let me know what you think and if there is anything you would like to see.
I look forward to teaching your children.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Goodbye Job

I barely survived my first year of teaching. My contract was not renewed so I am searching for another teaching position. I learned so much this year from my friends, co-teachers, students and life. Too bad there are not any education classes that help prepare for administrators. I have decided to include more subjects on this blog. I was unable to use my blog with my students because of district policy to restrict access to it.
So hang tight, and I will start adding more content areas to help students and parents learn together.
Queen NeeNeeNah

Friday, July 14, 2006

New Teacher Heebie-jeebies!

Hi Everybody!
It won't be long now. I am about to graduate from WTAMU. I have already landed a job, but now I am embarking on a new challenge.......how to beat the new teacher heebie-jeebies! It came on slowly. First signs of the h-j's was shortly after my job interview. I was so nervous I felt like throwing up, then for some odd reason I went to lunch and ate a huge plate of nachos! Resigned to the thought that I had made a huge fool of myself, I received the call.......I had a job offer. Now you are probably thinking, "wow, how exciting!", WRONG! The heebie-jeebies took full hold of my brain and body. I could not sleep, I walked around in a daze, sometimes smiling, sometimes with a shell shocked face. I spent hours on the Internet searching sites that would give me a detailed to-do list or instructions on where to begin. I have yet to find such a site. Finally, I found that if I went out of state, my heebie-jeebies eased up a little. My family and I went to Colorado Springs to the zoo, Dinosaur Depot in Canon, Colorado, the Royal Gorge.......and on the long drive home I felt a calming sensation. I looked forward to school starting, I looked forward to meeting my new kids, seeing my new classroom, meeting other teachers, and getting that first day over! I intend to keep this blog active and full of enriching links to sites that my kids will enjoy. I am going to be a great teacher.......it just may take a while to get there. Thank goodness my students will be there to help me.
Have a nice summer!
Queen NeeNeeNah

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Parents: If your child is having difficulty with multiplication, please help your child while playing these games. Start at an easy level and master that level before moving to a harder level.

Grand Slam Math
These story problems are fun to solve. Batter up!

Math Bully
A really fast-paced game to tune up your multiplication skills. This Bully is going down! Go!

Hidden Pictures
Solve the multiplication problems and find the hidden picture.
Go Sherlock!

Practice multiplication table
This gives you a visual look at numbers multiplied. Have fun.

You will need a steady hand and quick recall of multiplication facts.
Play Balloon Invaders.


Parents and Students: Rain Forest Math is a great site. There are so many games to try out. When you click the link for Rain Forest Math you will see a list of games, math concepts, and grade levels. Choose the level you would like to attempt. If it is too difficult, move down to another level. Have fun!

Rain Forest Math
This link will take you to Rain Forest Math. There are over 800 games to play. If you have trouble with fractions try this game out.
Go to game.

Old Egyptian Math
Can you add fractions? This is a good visual way to learn how. Visit Egypt to give it a try.

Dragon's Lair
Ever want to play fraction matching with a dragon? Try Joe the Dragon Fraction Match.

Joe the Dragon Subtraction of Fractions
I am sure you did well matching fractions, now you are ready to subtract fractions. To the Lair!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Parents: The games below are an excellent way to practice newly learned math skills. In Math Baseball, the player can enter the type of math concept they want to practice on, subtraction, algebra, etc.

Number Facts
This is a really neat way of learning basic number facts. Also helps develop counting and addition skills. Now you try it.

What is an Abacus?
An Abacus is an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves. Too technical!! Okay, just think of it as a manual calculator...no batteries needed. Try it out here.

Count on This
Bobbie Bear needs an outfit to wear on his vacation. Create his wardrobe by using different colored shirts and pants. Check out his closet here.

Math Baseball
Want to play ball? This fun and easy game will have you batting to an "A"! You can add, subtract, and even try your hand at algebra. You can also pick which level of difficulty. Plaaaaaaaay ball!

Addition Word Problems with Pictures
Simple addition problems for the beginner K-1. Start here.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Parents: Learning Shapes and Easy Patterns are games for younger students. Pascal's Triangle is difficult and is meant for students at the middle or high school level.

Easy Patterns
This is the place you go to warm up and exercise your brain. All you have to do is fill in the pattern. 15,_,25,30.... Ready brain? Come on and give it a try. Click here.

Difficulty Level: 2
Grade: 2nd and up

Pascal's Triangle
This challenging game introduces tessellations. Don't get discouraged it's only a game! Play Sierpinski's Carpet.

Learning Shapes
Uncover funny, hidden pictures while learning shapes. Puzzling!


Parents and Students: I have checked the sites below and they are really fun! Most of the games are related to math concepts and some are just neat to play.

Relax ...take the World Off Your Mind
Can you make the world square? Well Warp World is the place to start. Using your mouse, try and square off pieces of the world and see what amazing art you can invent. This is just for fun, so enjoy!

Time and Time Again...
This is really fun. Match up the hands on the clock to the time displayed in analog or digital time.
Parents, this site is amazing, safe and fun for all ages. Visit Rain Forest Math often.


Parents: The sites below will help your child understand the concept of the metric system. The first site is a good place to check homework problems too. Now, take a deep breath and repeat after me: I can convert to metric, I can convert to metric....
How Many feet in a kilometer?
This metric mystery can be easily solved using the math converter. Just enter a number and it will automatically convert to feet, inches, etc. Come on and be a metric conversion machine.

What's in a liter?
This cool game will help you practice measuring and converting liquid measurements. Follow this link.

Have you ever weighed a bear?
This neat game helps you understand the weight of different objects in comparison to metric measurements of capacity. Try it out. Animal Weigh-In.

Measure It!
Here is another fun game to play and learn how to measure.
Go to Funbrain.


Parents: The games below will help your child practice subtraction skills. The first site, MathCat, has many math related projects to create. Many students have difficulty with story problems. If your child needs practice with story problems then MathCat is an excellent site for him/her.

Here kitty, kitty!
Oh, no, not story problems! Oh, yes, but wait, these are fun and what is great is that they are story problems that kids like you submitted. In fact, this whole website, MathCat, has loads of math games and even math art. So come on, lets do some story problems. Are you a kitten or a tiger?

Challenging Game of Subtraction
This guessing game helps you with subtraction. Play OnePile.

Math Mahem
This is a FAST paced game. Race to beat the clock by completing the subtraction problems. Get ready. Get set. GO!

Simple Subtraction
Solve the subtraction problems for the robot. Go play!


Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my blog, Pie-r-Square. I will have lots of exciting links to fun math games you can play, homework help, and extra credit assignment. Keep coming back and bring your family with you to join the fun!