
Friday, July 14, 2006

New Teacher Heebie-jeebies!

Hi Everybody!
It won't be long now. I am about to graduate from WTAMU. I have already landed a job, but now I am embarking on a new challenge.......how to beat the new teacher heebie-jeebies! It came on slowly. First signs of the h-j's was shortly after my job interview. I was so nervous I felt like throwing up, then for some odd reason I went to lunch and ate a huge plate of nachos! Resigned to the thought that I had made a huge fool of myself, I received the call.......I had a job offer. Now you are probably thinking, "wow, how exciting!", WRONG! The heebie-jeebies took full hold of my brain and body. I could not sleep, I walked around in a daze, sometimes smiling, sometimes with a shell shocked face. I spent hours on the Internet searching sites that would give me a detailed to-do list or instructions on where to begin. I have yet to find such a site. Finally, I found that if I went out of state, my heebie-jeebies eased up a little. My family and I went to Colorado Springs to the zoo, Dinosaur Depot in Canon, Colorado, the Royal Gorge.......and on the long drive home I felt a calming sensation. I looked forward to school starting, I looked forward to meeting my new kids, seeing my new classroom, meeting other teachers, and getting that first day over! I intend to keep this blog active and full of enriching links to sites that my kids will enjoy. I am going to be a great teacher.......it just may take a while to get there. Thank goodness my students will be there to help me.
Have a nice summer!
Queen NeeNeeNah